Number of Migrants left Burao and Hargeisa lives lost in the Sahara in Libya & Sudan


“People were so many young men, people are Lives losted in Desert Youth popular leader Habar Yonis Perkins explained that …” One of the families of those deith in the Sahara and an exclusive interview with

Sahara(Aftahannews):- At least 25 people have died in the Sahara between Sudan and Libya to go on a journey migrants, after reports say he will get extra TV with a broken car on its raaciin Sudan, They looked on Libya.

People dead, mostly young men and couples who are both most left Burao and Hargeisa in Somaliland, according to media confirmed members of them families.

“People have been told to Thirst Most died after their car had broken Sudan followed Sahara between Libya and Sudan, and then tried to walk, and to continue the Libyan people and the number of car The passenger told us who they were 27, when they are no longer going to be dead as we were told most of Thirst. “said Sahra Hassan, one of the families of those deith and some of Aftahannews reporter contacted the phone tonight.

Sahra message continued, adding that they said; “People were so many young men and marged in most of the war, people are killed in Desert Youth popular leader Habar Yonis Abdiqani Ahmed Abdirahman, Perkins explained that his family is one of, if you make us extra connected xidhiidheenna I Thank you. “

“Of the 27 people in the first car, we were told that only two people, a man and a woman survived, but the other 25 were both found to have died of thirst and hunger (died), when Most dhanqalmeen thirst, and male they were, as we were told that because of a shortage of water was Doobtu back together, this time around, as we said on Monday. “This is said by the Aftahannews to Sahra.

Zahra Hassan said that people went on Libya, where help there bodies to gather Sudan, but not sure now that has been conveyed to Sudan and others., But certainly noted that the information provided does not include those who are injured, but, all died.

Innaali alaihi wa inna-East Raajucuun. Do not water the Garden of Allah and His mercy, all people, families, family, relatives, friends and people from the two sides bombers Saadiq Never give character.

It is not the first smuggling Somalis, especially most of the future such as the loss of a soul-Saharan countries between Sudan and Libya, with the target to cross into Libya, from where to start the journey The target countries in Europe, especially in Italy and the access to enter Europe.

However, many young people, had car accidents and waves of self-Sahara laftiisaba lost by Libya and Sudan.

Migrants fleeing from Africa and some Arab countries, risk their lives and Biime activity as European countries to meet in order to earn a living in a different or better than they have in their home countries desert.

But aware of the destruction and suffering heavy losses themselves, who do not meet the time dhammaannina Sahara and the problems in unpredictable and different abuses.

The head of the immigration countries of the European Dimitris Avramopoulos, has promised a fight against human trafficking groups, and vowed to back European migrants will go only because of economic factors.

However, he said that tens of thousands of people fleeing the conflict zones, including the right to stay in Europe. Pressure and problems resulting from the large number of people seeking asylum in the countries of the Europe, is born.
Hargeisa / Somaliland.