Wasiirka Waxbarashada Somaliland oo UNICEF Si Badheedh ah ugu Diiday Mashruuc ay ku Guulaysatay – Daawo


Hargeysa(Aftahannews):- Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare ee Somaliland Cabdillaahi Ibrahim Habbane (Cabdillaahi-Dheere), ayaà si badheedha ah uga qaaday Hay’adda UNICEF Mashruuc ay ku guulaysatay, isla markaana siiyay Hay’adda Save the Children, ka dib markii sida la sheegay ay Save The Children u ballan-qaadday inay siinayso Lacag fiican haddii uu u saxeexo Mashruucaas oo Labaatan Milyan oo Doollar in ka badan ku kacaya, sida ay Aftahannews xogtan ku heshay.


Goob-joogayaal, Aftahannews warkan ka soo xigtay, ayaa sheegay in Wasiir Habbane markii hore uu Guddi u saaray ka kooban 94 qof Oo labadaasi Hay’adood Soo kala Saara. Gudidan ayaà ka kooban Khubaro iyo Masuuliyiinta  Waxbarashada  ah, waxaanay Guddidu cod u qaadeen labadaasi hay’adood midka mashruucan la siin lahaa.

Labada Hay’adood waxay kala heleen Unicef oo heshay 94 cod iyo Save the Children oo heshay 92 cod. Sidaasina waxa ku guulaysatay hay’adda UNICEF in ay Maamusho Mashruucan oo socon doona muddo saddex Sano ah, lacagta ku baxaysaana tahay; 21 Malyuun oo Doollar oo Qaramada Midoobay ku bixinayso Waxbarashada Somaliland.

Hasa-yeeshe, Wasiirka Waxbarashada Cabdillaahi-dheere, ayaà si badheedha ah uga hor- istaagay Hay’adda UNICEF mashruucaas, waxaanu siiyey Hay’adda Save the Children in ay maamusho, waxaana isaga oo fadhiya shirkii oo cadho badani ka muuqato uu yidhi; “Ma siinaayo UNICEF mashruucan oo Anigaa xaq u leh in aan siiyo cidda aan doono.”

Tallaabada Wasiir Habben qaaday, ayaà u muuqata mid joojin karta mashruucan maaddaama Hay’ada UNICEF hore mashruucan u soo wadday, isla markaana immika mar labaad ku guulaysatay. Hasa-yeeshe, Wasiirka oo adeegsanaaya awoodda xilkiisa ka hor istaagay ka dib markii si hoose ay ula hadleen Masuuliyiinta Somaliland u jooga Hay’adda Save the Children sida la sheegay, isla markaana u ballan-qaadeen hadduu Mashruucaa iyaga u saxeexo inay siin doonaan Lacag badan oo Laaluush ah.

Guddigii uu u saaray Wasiirku in ay kala saaran labadaasi Hay’adood, ayaà aad uga cadhooday tallaabada gurracan ee uu qaaday Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo Tacliinta Sare ee Somaliland Cabdillaahi Ibraahin Habbane (Cabdillaahi-dheere).

Mashruucan waxa Ku baxaysa Lacag badan oo ah 21 Milyan oo Doollarka Maraykanka ah muddada saddexda sano ah ee uu socdo, waxaana ka faa’iidaysta Bahda Waxbarashada Somaliland, isla markaana waxaa ka Mushahar qaata Saddex (300) Boqol oo Macallin Mushahar joogto ah laga siiyaa Mashruucaas. Sidoo kale, waxay Macallimiintu ka helaan Tababbarro Xirfaddooda Aqooneed kor loogu qaadayo, waxaanay Wasaaraddu ka heshaa dhismayaal iyo taageerooyin kale oo fiican.

Inkasta oo aannu isku-daynay inaannu Wasiirka arrintan iyo waxa ku kallifay wax ka weydiinno, haddana noomay suuragelin inaannu helno. Hase-yeeshee, waxaannu halkan hoose idiinku soo gudbinaynaa Muuqaal kooban oo laga duubay Hadallada ay is-weydaarsadeen Masuul UNICEF ka tirsan iyo Wasiirka Waxbarashada Somaliland, isagoo Wasiir Cabdillaahi-dheere sheegaya awoodda uu leeyahay inuu ka qaado Mashruucaas iyo Sababaha uu u cuskaday. Waxaanad ka Daawan kartaan Muuqaalkan hoose ee Daawasho wacan:-

Sidoo kale, Halkan Hoose waxaan idiinku soo gudbinaynaa Foomkii ama Shaxdii Kulammada iyo qaabka hawsha loo wada waday ama ay u socotay ee ka bogasho habboon:-


DATE: Monday 28th November 2016 Time: 010:10am-12:30am
VENUE: MoE&HS Central Meeting Hall, Hargeisa Somaliland
PARTICIPANTS  ESC members and MOE&HE officials
CHAIR Director General (DG), Minister of Education, and Co-chaired by UNICEF.
AGENDAOF THE MEETING: ü  Review & progress of the action points from the last meeting

ü  Updates form ESA/ESSP.

ü  Updates from EiE.

ü  ESC members update.

ü  Revival technical working groups.

ü  Update from upcoming JRES.


ü  Quality assurance update.


ü  AoB




1.       Review & progress of the action points from the last meeting



The ESC team reviewed the flowing key actions agreed in the meeting


a)       Policy working taskforce will take the Minister special meeting deciding how to finalize NEP and way forward the next week.

b)      The task force briefed the DG and they informed that they are in the final stage of the policy finalization.

c)       EMIS task force will meet next week and finalize remaining points of EMIS reform (Qule)

·         StatEduc 2 (developed by UNESCO) is agreed to replace with the current EMIS software(Pineapple);

·         The staff of MoEHE should be trained on the StatEduc 2 sofware;

·         UNESCO will provide the software and train the EMIS staff on the software at central level;

d)      Distribution of register books is an action point responsible by Directors of Primary and Secondary.

·      MOE & HS distributed the available number of register books.

·      HE II Consortium members promised to support theMinistry in printing more registers.

e)       MoE&HS will organize meeting discussing the manner organizations can buy pupils text books to schools include their targets.



Policy finalization:

·         The documents are almost final and is scheduled to be finalized on December 15th 2016.
















Textbooks distribution

·      A separate meeting between the Ministry and the organizations those planned to provide textbooks to schools will be announced by the DG.

·      Organization should come the list of the books they procured and planning distribute.

2.       Update from ESA/ESSP ·         ESA is in the final stage and the consultants are working to incorporate the report with the comments of the ESA meeting before the endorsement.

·         MOE to speed up the process agreed to continue the preparation of ESSP development with the support of two local TA’s.

·         . ESA report will be endorsed in the next ESC meeting.
3.       Education in Emergencies (EIE) ·      Reports from the REO/DEOs showed that some schools in conflict and drought affected areas of eastern regions are closed.

·      EIE working developed a contingency plan and this needs to be reviewed and implemented.

·      One noted challenge is that hindered the emergency response was stated Somaliland don’t get allocation from the emergency response funds.

·         Sahil, Daadmadheedh, Saraar, and Burao have submitted matrix. Minister will hold an immediate meeting with the EIE working group. Hussein is to send out an invitation. Mohamoud to share matrix template.



4.       ESC Members updates ·      UNESCO trained one focal person on SDG4. This aims to align, minister plans to the SDG4 goal.

·      NTTI director informed the meeting that there will be a teacher training during school breaks.

·      SCI trained 20 persons on minimum standards for UNIVERSITY institutes. The opening will be held on the 29th of December.

·      SOFHA has conducted a gender based research and will be presenting to the ministry on the 2nd – 5th of December 2016.

·      Minister has urged all consortium members to share how they’ve allocated the 11 million USD of HorumarintaCilmiga II among themselves. The Minister indicated that he has no information on the utilization and implementation plans of HorumarintaCilmiga lead by SCI. The Minister has voiced his frustration on why they have not informed and consulted on the plans of the project despite it has been ongoing.

·         NTTI director requested all agencies have allocated budgets for teacher training to share with him.

·         DG request the consortium to fill and return the form prior share with the consortium


·          SCI promised to share the allocations of the project among the consortium to the ministry.


5.       Revival technical working groups ·      The DG will make sure all technical working groups are functional
6.     JRES ·         The 2015-2016 JRES has been decided to be held.


·         JRES will be held 25-26th January 2017. Budget to be drafted and shared. Committee to hold a pre-planning meeting.
7.     EMIS ·         A new software needs to be in use with the request of DG. ·         UNESCO global software is requested and response is awaited from the agency.
8.       Quality assurance updates ·         Ministry of Education and Higher Studies with the support of UNICEF planned to conduct a school supervision which 30 % of the total school will reached. Supervision checklist and work plan of the process was finalized. In this supervision one of the Quality assurance indicators which is the teaching and learning will be assessed.

·          MOE & HS will lead the process of selecting the target schools.

·         ESC members suggested that there is a need to harmonize the supervision process and discuss the methodology of implementation.

·         First school supervision report was prepared and shared with ESC members but it is not yet disseminated to regions, districts and schools.


Quality assurance meeting will be held on 10:00am 6th December 2016. The Minister calls ADRA, ActionAid, World Vision, and the Consortium to attend this meeting.


9.       TVQA & TVET ·         Technical schools operational in Hargeisa and Burao.  

·         A mission will head out to Burao TVET center next week by the TVQA & TVET directors.

10.    AOB ·         GPE grant selection

·         GPE grant agent selection has been made. Minister appointed a committee to set out a transparent and competitive process. Four agencies competed, Care International, SCI, NRC, and UNICEF. Based on a point system, the committee recommended UNICIEF, with 92 points (also admitted by the Minister during the announcement), where SCI received 83 points. Nonetheless, the Minister elected SCI to be the next grant agent against the very committee is constituted in line with the GPE guidelines.

·         UNICEF has voiced their concern over the Minister’s decision, to overturn the committee’s decision and indicated they will contest through the proper channels.  UNICEF was concerned as the Minister cited ‘high costs’ of UNICEF as his main reason for overturning the decision of the selection committee, yet this was factually incorrect as none of the other partners present figures on administration and operation costs. As UNICEF has contracted to several of these organizations in the past, UNICEF is also fully aware of the costs they would be imposing on the next GPE grant. (UNICEF is now looking to have the Minister’s decision reviewed in relation to the merits of the selection committee results and to also further review the operational and administration costs of other partners) as the Minister may have misunderstood how these costs are changed and calculated under GPE.

·         UNESCO representative commended that if the Minister intended to hand pick a single agency, there was no point in having the selection process for the grant agent.

·         The ESC members are yet to endorse the Minister’s nomination as the meeting ended abruptly.

·         While no agreement was reached on an action point, UNICEF has started the process of having the Minister’s decision review, with first step being via the Coordinating Agency.



